only not enough voices,
but when selective memory fades
we'll be trapped in the trenches of our choices.
Raise your flag to heaven
since you are God's gift
and cross you fingers that
His judgment will be swift
because you can taste salvation
on the edges of your lips
and in the blood, when you bite them,
that drips.
I hear the pop of the first seal
and see the mane of a white horse
and the end has begun,
but you feel no remorse.
You're certain your savior
will bring you home
to live in love
and worship at His throne;
so pop another seal
and hear the galloping on -
pop, pop, pop -
and we'll all soon be gone.
Pop, like the last bottle of campaign
on Doomsday.
Pop, because now there is no point
to pray.
The end of the world is still a fascinating concept to me. The four horsemen rumble around in my head a lot. I think it's a really powerful - and terrifying - image (example: see below). There is no redemption. There is no hope.
Have we - as a species, as a planet of disconnected souls - gotten there yet? Are we all too consumed with who IS right or wrong, or IS moral or immoral, or IS winning or losing, or whose god IS the one and only? Can we put the score cards down and say "Planet Earth: zero" and start working on fixing that? Not just for our planet's sake, but for each other?
Or have the seals begun to pop?
I heard this story on the news this morning:
"Prosecutors said Mr. SucuzhaƱay (pronounced suh-KOO-shen-y’eye) and his brother, Romel SucuzhaƱay, who was not seriously hurt, were attacked because they were Hispanic and because the assailants were under the mistaken impression that they were gay."
[Full story here:]
So, you tell me.

6.1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, Come.
6.2 And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he that sat thereon had a bow; and there was given unto him a crown: and he came forth conquering, and to conquer.
Book of Revelation, Chapter 6