Monday, March 26, 2007

The Emperor (Pt. 2)

The emperor sits upon his throne
guilty, but smirking and naked.
His sinister skills are his to hone
and your sons' lives aren't sacred.
Blind to the sight of their bones,
he can't see how his nation bled.
Even the newspapers groan
as he fiddles with the crown upon his head.

"The globe is my backyard,"
the emperor proudly gloats.
"I'll catch 'em evil ones, feathered and tarred,"
his adviser jots his notes.
All voices of reason are barred,
abandon your rights through your votes.
For those who oppose him, life is hard,
but if he says it floats, it floats.

God knocks on the palace door,
weeping with head in hand.
His long robe grazes the floor:
His being mixes with His land.
God pleads: "What is this for?
Why is there blood in my sand!?"
God's cry, the emperor did ignore:
"Go home, old man, you don't understand."


^ Written in Comparative Politics over two class periods. ^

I think I mentioned earlier that the emperor would probably reappear. Promise kept.

My short story has taken a lot out of me. It's coming along well, but it's kind of been consuming me. It should be done within the next couple of weeks if I have time to sit down and actually write all my ideas out. My poetry isn't as much my personal reflection right now, but things I'm not focusing on with the story. Politics is often the focus of my poetry now, since my story is taking a lot of my other thoughts away. I enjoy writing about politics, but my freewriting is always better. I kind of like this one, though...better than the first one at least.

I gotta get ready for class, but today is my 21st happy birthday, me!

"You wear a crucifix to broadcast your beliefs and the God I've read about won't go where he's not asked to go..." Kevin Devine Tomorrow's Just Too Late

Friday, March 02, 2007


I want to take a train
or a walk in the rain.
I want to see you smile
and dance around for a while.

The air here is stale
so it's time for me to bail.
Come find me in a city street,
in the soul soothing heat.

Time to replace my modern day
with someplace far away.
My windows are rolled down,
ready to leave this town.

I want to hear that song,
that one that's really long.
It's always in my head,
waking me when I'm dead.

I see a sunset in the distance
speaking in the future tense.
My actions are not my blame,
for it's calling my name.


^ Partially written on my way home and then finished at home. ^

I guess I'm feeling restless and I'm looking forward to traveling and being on break. I want to take a trip or just a long drive and I'm getting antsy. Spring break = Buffalo, Kevin Devine, and Brand New...does it get any better? The answer is no.

Thankfully, I have come into the good fortune of being introduced to some new music. My darling friend, Katherine, has sent me a Jennifer O'Connor and a Koufax CD, the latter of which I have not had the time to listen to yet, but the former is really good. I have also had the good fortune of being given Pedro The Lion's "It's Hard To Find A Friend," which has gotten several listens. Lastly, my friend Carl made me a mix of protest songs, which I will hopefully have time to listen to thing weekend! Many thanks to them all. So, at least I have tunes to get me through this last monotonous week of school before break!

In other news, I think I'm sick and my tooth hurts. Not feeling great, overall. Run down. Sad. Lonely. Boo.

Seeing Pablo and Straylight in Allentown on Wednesday will surely cheer me up.

Bill Maher is on soon...I think I need to get ready for that.

"Ride as fast as you can. They're shooting to kill." - Pedro The Lion Suspect Fled The Scene