Thursday, October 03, 2013

The Day the Sky Fell

The day the sky fell
we were all at the bar
and the air had a smell,
like a wet, stale cigar.
There were stories to tell
and someone played a guitar
and outside the sky fell
and we got drunk at the bar.

The day the sky fell
you were miles away
and I thought that was swell
in a mean kind of way.
To you, a farewell,
and in hell I hope you stay
since when the sky fell
you were so far away.

The day the sky fell
I held his hand tight.
I was under his spell,
and liked it quite right.
From my toes to my cells
his touch could excite,
so as the sky fell,
he held my hand tight.

The day the sky fell
there was calm and quiet
and all was well,
no cause to riot.
Humanity expelled,
expunged, and silenced.
The night the sky fell
there was nothing but quiet.


 "Thank you for being with us on this Day Two of the federal government shut down and - surprise, surprise - we're all still here. The sky didn't fall and even if it had we wouldn't know because NASA is shut down too." - Stephen Colbert The Colbert Report (Wednesday, October 2, 2013)

"Oh, what a joy to be free." Kevin Devine All of Everything, Erased

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