Friday, March 12, 2010

The Contagion of Lethargy

These are the same white walls
and the same cold stalls,
the same busy typing
and the same early rising.
I'm as blank as these pages,
haven't written a line in ages
and I tally the losses and gains
with an ink that runs through my veins.
The contagion of lethargy
breeds despair and apathy,
but we swore it was never be we
because the future we could see
needed hands holding up arms
and voices carrying alarms.
We dubbed ourselves
the Warning Bells,
but our revolution
suffered stagnated evolution.
Has our youth lost its thunder,
our passions torn asunder?
Monotony and misdirection
and misunderstanding our own reflections
breeds disillusion
and false conclusions.
Disaffection drains us dry;
he is menacing and sly
and so our spry skin is thickening:
the sight is sickening,
like we can't see anything at all:
no rise nor fall.
How much longer can the setting sun wait
for a savior to seal our fate?


Somehow I didn't post anything in February. So, I'm making this one public since it's been sitting around here in draft mode for weeks.

This is about visionaries who go blind.

"If we're now so dissconected, it's our reflections we ignore..." Kevin Devine The Burning City Smoking

"Everybody's talkin' 'bout revolution, evolution, masturbation, flagellation, regulation, integrations, mediations, United Nations, congratulations: all we are saying is give peace a chance..." John Lennon Give Peace A Chance

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