Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I don't know what
it's supposed to mean,
but I feel you every time
I feel the breeze,
like there's a part of you
in the branches of the trees
or you're buzzing around
off the wings of bees.
It's not that simple.
No, it could never be.
So, the only thing I'm good at
is subtracting the threes.
The hum in my head
is such a tease
since my memory of your voice
is muffled and meek
and I feel like I lost you
with the greatest of ease
before I had the sense
not to let you leave.
Would it have mattered?
My begs, my pleas?
Couldn't you feel
my silent decrees?
Words are too late now,
so I'll just leave you with these:
you're in every moment
I wish I could freeze.


I fell back into cheesy emo poetry. I'm weak. I'll try to be better next time.

"What do you mean?" Jackie Granja February 13, 2010 (lol)

"I can't remember all the times I tried to tell myself to hold on to these moments as they pass..." Counting Crows

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