Friday, December 12, 2014

Mind the Mud

I can still see you in the glow. 
You know that I know
all of your crimes.
You hide behind shadows, 
but your corona exudes,
peering through windows, 
trying not to be rude.
But I feel your darkness
in my blood.
Mind the mud.
I'd pull you out
if given the chance.
I have no doubt.
Love at first glance.
You take the blame,
but I know your line.
Your heart's the same,
the same as mine.

"When I say, 'No one talks to me like you.' She says, 'They don't know you like I do.'" - Kevin Devine She Can See Me

"I've crippled your heart a hundred times and still can't work out why. See, I've got this disease, I can't shake and I'm just rattling through life." - Frightened Rabbit The Modern Leper

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