Monday, December 08, 2014


Young and clever
with ties to sever,
memories to relinquish,
and ghosts to vanquish,

you dive into a notebook,
with a pencil, in a quiet nook.
You hop a train,
find the refrain.

It climbs out your lung
and off your tongue.
It pricks your finger tips.
It reddens your lips.

It wakes you from sleep
and makes you weep.
It wraps you up warm
and saves you from all harm.

That song in your head
so you know you're not dead
keeps your blood pumping
and your heart thumping.

and those old poems and verses
with no rhymes, only curses
keep your spine strong,
can never steer you wrong.


I'm done playin' stone-paper-scissors. Gonna grab that stone and bring 'em all down with it, steal those scissors and cut some throats, put pen to the paper and I'll write you a note." Frightened Rabbit Candlelit

That sucker punch, that brittle touch - and the cut keeps dripping, but the blood won't thicken. There's poison in the tap water. There's poison in the tap water." - Owl John Don't Take Off the Gloves

"You've got no backbone, so you're breaking mine." - The Miracle of '86 Sleep All Damn Day

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