Thursday, July 30, 2015

And I Will Do the Same

You confess so very little
with so much still to tell,
It turns your tongue to brittle
as your lungs begin to swell.
The music in your fingers
sings a different kind of truth
and if my words still linger
some might find it uncouth
to dip and dabble in a dream
so real and yet so distant
that has me ripping at my seam:
so biting and so brilliant. 
It's real if it floats through our air
down to our blood and bones
and no one promised love was fair
just that it would be known.
I want to see what your eyes see.
I want to know your name.
So, keep your arms outstretched for me
and I will do the same.


"All my life I've watched you dance along to music that I can't hear. I ain't equipped to hear those songs." Radical Face The Moon is Down

"If only I could stretch across the depths to hold you." Copeland Chiromancer

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